Our Mission Statement

To love God and love neighbor in the spirit of Jesus.

Worship: Sunday @ 9:30AM

We are so glad that you are here.

You are invited to consider this our front door. Please make yourself at home. Take a peek in each of the "rooms." Imagine yourself joining us for worship, coffee hour, service projects, Bible study, and/or friendship. When you are ready, please join us for worship in person or via Zoom. We can't wait to meet you!

Use the buttons below to attend virtual worship or to view recorded services.


All are welcome at Shepherd of the Hills.
We are a place where all people can receive wholeness and share God’s blessings, so we echo Jesus’ welcome to all persons, everyone:

To the devout, the seeker and the skeptic;
To single, married, widowed, and divorced;
To young and old, child and parent;
To persons of all sexual orientations and gender identities;
To people of all lands, cultures, and colors;
To people with disabilities, those ill and well;
To poor, middling, and wealthy;
To all who seek hope, peace, comfort, strength, love, forgiveness, and grace.

We invite everyone to worship, learn, serve, and care with us.

Lenten Theme: Everything [in] Between
 Meeting God in the midst of extremes

This year, we’re letting the Gospel of Luke guide us through Lent on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. As we study scripture, we will notice how Jesus' ministry disrupted the established social, political, and religious divides of his time.

Jesus intentionally pointed out cultural and political extremes to emphasize the radical, inclusive, and surprising love of God. When we study these stories in their historical and cultural context, we see how they mirror the divisions many of us experience in our families, churches, and communities today.

This Lent we will discover that God shows up in shades of gray, rainbow hues, and everywhere in between!

Join us Wednesdays, March 12, 19, 26, April 2, 9 for Dinner Church at 6:00 pm.

 Members Portal and Directory

Access your membership portal and our online directory by clicking the buttons below.

Contact Shepherd


(952) 935-3457