Teen friendships and faith exploration
Confirmation nurtures seeds of faith


Grades 6-8

Confirmation meets Wednesdays from 6:00-7:00pm. Our Confirmation program is centered around the belief that, as people of faith, we always belong and are always in the process of becoming the people God created us to be. It is a journey and we are not alone; we have been given companions and this community of faith to help us grow, know God, and serve others. Adolescence is a time of discovery, of asking new questions, of branching out and trying new things, all the while trying to figure out who we are. As youth go through our confirmation program, we want to help them ask significant questions of faith and life, but we also want them to rest in the assurance that they always belong to God, and they belong here in this community of faith.

Shepherd’s confirmation program lasts for three years, and rotates each year studying parts of the Old Testament, the New Testament, and the Small Catechism. It is each family’s choice whether their child participates in the confirmation program. At the end of the program, students are invited to affirm their baptism. What this means is students make a commitment to following God and to continuing to learn and grow as God’s children. Confirmation is NOT a requirement for membership at Shepherd of the Hills.

Confirmation is a communal journey

Grades 9-12

Senior High meets on Wednesdays from 7:00-8:00pm. We facilitate space for high school students to come together, bring friends, check-in, play, laugh, sometimes bake, and keep exploring how faith connects and responds to current events and daily life.

We continue in becoming a community that lives out Shepherd’s welcome statement especially these phrases:  

“…We echo Jesus’ welcome to all persons, everyone: to the devout, the seeker and the skeptic; … to persons of all sexual orientations and gender identities; to people of all lands, cultures, and colors; to people with disabilities, those ill and well; to poor, middling, and wealthy; to all who seek hope, peace, comfort, strength, love, forgiveness, and grace…”

High school students play an active role in not only designing the space we meet in, but what kinds of things we do and explore together so new for 2024-25 will be a rhythm of baking together.

Senior high connects teens with Jesus and each other

All Teens

Middle school and high school students come together to play and serve together during the year. Watch the “This Week…” email for dates and details for all social and/or service events.

Dinner Church, 6:00-7:00pm every third Wednesday upstairs, helps us develop relationships across generations. All ages are welcome, so invite grandparents, neighbors and friends for delicious food, connection with others, table conversations, worship with song, simple Scripture lesson, Holy Communion, and spiritual practice or service project. While we appreciate an RSVP to help us with meal planning, it is not required.

Teens are invited to into Sunday morning worship leadership serving as an acolyte, reading the lesson, ushering, singing in choir, assisting with children’s time, etc.

all ages Dinner Church connects generations in faith

Seasonal Opportunities

September: Block Party, God’s Work Our Hands

October: Trunk or Treat

November: Turkey Bingo

December: Christmas Program requires little preparation or practice for all ages to join in the fun through speaking, singing or behind the scenes

July: Summer Festival Camp for middle and high school students

seasonal calendar